Frosty morning, seven hunters, 100 honkers and… Two Americans in our spot. Drat. Now that’s a tough way to spend any morning, nevermind it already being -12 degrees at day break. Our backup plan consisted of the fifteen minute drive to pass shoot literally inside the beautiful, scenic village of Elgin. Honkers had also been spotted here the previous evening barely scraping over the hydro wires. Alas, on this morning, there was very little wind and some very little honkers. What was thought to be 13 lbs 3 oz honkers, like the one Donald Elgin Bell himself had harversted the previous evening, turned out to be a 3 lbs 13 oz cackler. Add him to the chart, we’ll take em. 201 geese and counting. Our travels back to the lodge after the slaughter at Elgin took us to a corn field in close proximity to Bond’s Cattle Farm just south of Highway 23. One long cold jump later we had five snow geese down and “One Proud Harley”.
Day Total: 5
Season Total: 205